Mental Health Resources


Mind provides advice and support to empower anyone experiencing mental health problems, including treatment options.


Get Self Help has handouts and activities for a wide range of problems including anxiety, stress, anger, self-esteem & OCD.

Mental Health Foundation offers a wide range of recources including podcasts, videos and in-depth interviews. offers some exercises and guided meditations to develop self-compassion as well as a self-compassion self-assessment.

Helpguide is a great self-help resource that provides free mental health education and support.


Psychology Tools has a range of evidence-based information handouts, exercises and worksheets for clients and therapists.

The Free Mindfulness Project provides free and easy access to mindfulness meditation audio exercises.


BACP promote safe, ethical and competent practice in counselling and psychotherapy. They can assist clients in dealing with complaints about poor or unethical practice.

Urgent Support & Crisis Helplines



24-hour telephone helpline. Call 116 123 or email

LGBTQIA+ Helpline

Telephone helpline in Scotland for the LGBTQIA+ community and their families, friends and supporters. Call 0300 123 2523 or email

Breathing Space

Confidential telephone helpline for those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety.
Call 0800 83 85 87


UK telephone helpline for young people feeling suicidal or those concerned about them. Call 0800 068 41 41 or email